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Sep 7, 20237 min read
How to get a good night's sleep
Finding your rhythm and your own routine is key. What works for you may not work for someone else. However, the following are tried and...
Aug 24, 20234 min read
Coffee. It's complicated.
As a lover of coffee - rich, black, strong, wonderful coffee - I have always, always advocated its use. The rich polyphenols in good...
Jun 22, 20222 min read
Pesticides: are they *all* that bad??
Organic foods are more expensive; there’s no getting around that fact. As I’ve said before in a previous post, the health benefits of...
Jan 18, 20223 min read
Why organic foods matter
Now, I was a sceptic when it came to organic food, thinking it was a marketing ploy to sell more expensive fruit and vegetables with the...
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